Gebruiker:Romaine/vector.js: verschil tussen versies

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Regel 10:
// Op pagina's met een toolbar (action=edit) knoppen toevoegen
var customizeToolbar = function () {
$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', {
'sections': {
'extrabarforme': {
'type': 'toolbar', // Can also be 'booklet'
'label': 'Extra'
// or 'labelMsg': 'section-emoticons-label' for a localized label
} );
$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', {
'section': 'extrabarforme',
'groups': {
'rorow1': {
'label': '' // or use labelMsg for a localized label, see above
} );
$('#wpTextbox1').wikiEditor('addToToolbar', {
section: 'main',
group: 'insert',
tools: {
"Romw-internelinkfirstusereditbutton": {
label: 'Interne link',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
label: 'Welkom gebruiker',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '\{\{Welcome\}\}\nWelkom! · Bienvenue ! · Welcome! · Willkommen! - ~~\~~',
pre: '\[\[',
peri: '',
post: '\]\]',
$('#wpTextbox1').wikiEditor('addToToolbar', {
section: 'extrabarforme',
group: 'rorow1',
tools: {
"Ro-nowiki": {
label: 'Nowiki',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '<nowiki>',
peri: '',
post: '<\/nowiki>'
"Ro-tussenkopje3actiondone": {
label: 'Tussenkopje (tweede niveau)Done',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '===\[\[File:Crystal Clear action apply.png|17px|Done\]\] \'\'\'',
peri: 'Kop van de tweede niveauDone',
post: ' ===\'\'\''
"Ro-enternowiki": {
label: 'Regel afbrekenNowiki',
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pre: '<br \/nowiki>',
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post: '<\/nowiki>'
"Ro-centerhiddencomment": {
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pre: '<center>',
peri: 'Tekst die gecentreerd wordt',
post: '<\/center>'
"Ro-gecentreerd": {
label: 'Centreren',
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icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '<div style=\"text-align: center;\">\n',
peri: 'Tekst die gecentreerd wordt',
post: '\n<\/div>'
"Ro-links": {
label: 'Links uitlijnen',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '<div style=\"text-align: left; direction: ltr; margin-left: 1em;\">\n',
peri: 'Tekst die links wordt uitgelijnd',
post: '\n<\/div>'
"Ro-rechts": {
label: 'Rechts uitlijnen',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '<div style=\"text-align: right; direction: ltr; margin-left: 1em;\">\n',
peri: 'Tekst die rechts wordt uitgelijnd',
post: '\n<\/div>'
"Ro-spancolor": {
label: 'Gekleurde tekst invoegen',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '<span style=\"color:',
peri: 'ColourName',
post: '\">Gekleurde tekst<\/span>'
"Ro-gallery": {
label: 'Afbeeldingengalerij',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '<gallery\>\nBestand:',
peri: '',
post: '\nBestand:\nBestand:\n<\/gallery>'
"Ro-bestandinv": {
label: 'Afbeelding invoegen',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '\[\[Bestand:',
peri: '',
post: '\|thumb\|\]\]\n'
"Ro-largethumb": {
label: 'Largethumb invoegen',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '\{\{Largethumb\}\}',
peri: '',
post: ''
"Ro-verborgen": {
label: 'Verborgen commentaar',
type: 'button',
Regel 202 ⟶ 60:
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '<!-- ',
peri: 'Verborgen commentaar. Gebruik de overlegpagina voor opmerkingen en discussie.',
post: '-->'
"Ro-sup": {
label: 'Superscript',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '<sup>',
peri: 'Tekst',
post: '<\/sup>'
"Ro-sub": {
label: 'Subscript',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '<sub>',
peri: 'Tekst',
post: '<\/sub>'
"Ro-small": {
label: 'Kleiner (small)',
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icon: '//',
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type: 'encapsulate',
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pre: '<small>',
peri: 'Tekst die kleiner wordt weergegeven',
post: '<\/small>'
"Ro-big": {
label: 'Groter (big)',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
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type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '<big>',
peri: 'Tekst die groter wordt weergegeven',
post: '<\/big>'
"Ro-nbsp": {
label: 'Niet-afbrekende spatie',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '&nbsp;',
peri: '',
post: ' -->'
"Robutton-codeLangSwitch1": {
label: 'VoegLangSwitch broncodeverticaal: inom pagina\'s automatisch te laten vertalen',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '<code>\{\{LangSwitch\n\|de = \n\|en = ',
peri: 'Broncode',
post: '<\/code>'
"Ro-pre": {
label: 'Voorgeformateerde tekst',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '<pre>',
peri: 'Voorgeformateerde tekst',
post: '<\/pre>'
"Ro-ref": {
label: 'Voeg een referentie, bron of voetnoot toe',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '<ref>',
peri: '',
post: '<\/ref>n\|fr = \n\|nl = \n\}\}',
"Robutton-refnameLangSwitch2": {
label: 'Voeg een referentie, bron of voetnoot toe met naam',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
label: 'LangSwitch horizontaal: om pagina\'s automatisch te laten vertalen',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '<ref\{\{LangSwitch\|de name= \"\">|en = ',
peri: '',
post: '< \/ref>|fr = \|nl = \}\}',
"Robutton-appendixLangSwitch3": {
label: 'Overzicht referenties e.d.: los met tussenkopje',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
label: 'LangSwitch voor veelgebruikte termen',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '\{\{Appendixtr\}\}\n|',
peri: '',
post: '\}\}',
"Robutton-appendixreferencestitleSwitch": {
label: 'Overzicht referenties e.d.: met nieuw bronnensjabloon',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
label: 'TitleSwitch: zodat de titel meevertaald met de tekst van de pagina',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '\{\{AppendixTitle\|2de=\n|fr=\{\{References\}\}\n\}\}\n|nl=',
peri: '',
post: '\}\}',
"Romw-referencesxyxV": {
label: 'Overzicht referenties e.d.: in al bestaand bronnensjabloon',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '\{\{References\}\}\n',
peri: '',
post: ''
"Ro-bronvermeldingwiki": {
label: 'Bronvermelding anderstalige Wikipedia invoegen',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '\* \{\{Bronvermelding anderstalige Wikipedia\|taal=',
peri: 'en',
post: '\|titel=\|oldid=\|datum={\{subst:LOCALYEAR}}{\{subst:LOCALMONTH2}}{\{subst:LOCALDAY2}}}}'
"Ro-doorgehaald": {
label: 'Doorstrepen',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '<s>',
peri: 'Doorgestreepte tekst',
post: '<\/s>'
"Ro-underline": {
label: 'Onderstrepen',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '<u>',
peri: 'Tekst die onderstreept wordt',
post: '<\/u>'
"Ro-tt": {
label: 'Tekst in teletype',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '<tt>',
peri: 'Tekst met het teletype-lettertype',
post: '<\/tt>'
"Ro-redirect": {
label: 'Redirect',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
Regel 425 ⟶ 127:
pre: '#REDIRECT\[\[',
peri: 'Artikelnaam',
post: '\]\]',
"Robutton-noincludelangboxsingl": {
label: 'Sjabloon: noinclude',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
label: 'Page translated: toont rechtsboven taalboxen voor tonen vertalingen op dezelfde pagina',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '<noinclude>\{\{Page translated\|de=x',
peri: 'Tekst',
post: '<\/noinclude>'
"Ro-includeonly": {
label: 'Sjabloon: includeonly',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
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type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '<includeonly>',
peri: 'Tekst',
post: '<\/includeonly>'
"Ro-welkom": {
label: 'Welkom gebruiker',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '{\{Welkom}\}\nWelkom\! - \~\~\~\~',
peri: '',
post: '}}',
"Robutton-welcomelangboxmult": {
label: 'Welcome user',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
label: 'Pages translated: toont rechtsboven taalboxen voor tonen vertalingen op andere pagina\'s',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '\{\{Welcome}\}\nWelcome\! -Pages translated\~|de=\~|en=\~|fr=\~|nl=',
peri: '',
post: '}}',
"Robutton-navigatiearchivedwebsite": {
label: '\{\{Navigatie\}\}',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
label: 'Archived URL: full row',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '* \{\{',
pre: '\{\{Navigatie\n\| titel = \n\| afb_groot = [\[Bestand:\|40px\|\]\]\n| inhoud =\n',
peri: '',
post: '\n}\} [ ], {{Date|\|\|\}\} &nbsp;&nbsp;<noincludesmall>(\n[ archived\])</small>\n',
"Robutton-navtablearchivedlink": {
label: '\{\{Navigatie\/Tabel}}',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
label: 'Archived: spatie spatie small ... archived small',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '\{\{Navigatie/Tabel\n\| R1C1 &nbsp;&nbsp;<small>(\= [',
peri: '',
post: ' archived\])</small>',
post: '\n\| R1C2 \= \n\| R2C1 \= \n\| R2C2 \= \n\| R3C1 \= \n\| R3C2 \= \n\| R4C1 \= \n\| R4C2 \= \n\| R5C1 \= \n\| R5C2 \= \n}\}'
"Ro-sjabcat": {
label: 'Sjabloon categorie uitgebreid',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '<noinclude>\n\[\[Categorie:Wikipedia:Sjablonen ',
peri: '',
post: '\|\]\]\n</noinclude>'
"Ro-subst": {
label: 'Subst',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: 'subst:',
peri: '',
post: ''
"Ro-wikitable": {
label: 'Wikitable invoegen',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: 'class=\"wikitable\"',
peri: '',
post: ''
"Ro-stylecenter": {
label: 'Wikitable invoegen',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: ' style=\"text-align:center;\"',
peri: '',
post: ''
"Ro-toccolours": {
label: 'toccolours invoegen',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: 'class=\"toccolours\"',
peri: '',
post: ''
"Ro-commonscat": {
label: 'Commonscat invoegen',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '\{\{Commonscat\|',
peri: '',
post: '\}\}\n'
"Ro-wikisourcecat": {
label: 'Wikisourcecat invoegen',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '\{\{Wikisourcecat\|',
peri: '',
post: '\}\}\n'
"Ro-nuwegsjabred": {
label: 'Nuweg sjabloonweesredirect',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '\{\{nuweg\|opruiming sjabloonweesredirect\}\}',
peri: '',
post: ''
"Ro-nuwegred": {
label: 'Nuweg onnodige sjabloonredirect',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '\{\{nuweg\|opruiming onzinnige en onnodige sjabloonredirect\}\}',
peri: '',
post: ''
"Ro-nowrap": {
label: 'Nowrap invoegen',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '\{\{Nowrap|',
peri: '',
post: '\}\}'
"Ro-if": {
label: 'If-functie invoegen',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '\{\{#if:',
peri: '',
post: ''
"Ro-uitgevoerdafbeelding": {
label: 'Uitgevoerd',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '\[\[Bestand:Crystal Clear action apply.png|17px|Uitgevoerd\]\] \'\'\'',
peri: 'Uitgevoerd',
post: '\'\'\''
"Ro-hashhaakjesd": {
label: 'Toevoegen aan lijst',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '# \[\[',
peri: '',
post: '\]\], - \[\[d:\|\]\]\n'
"Ro-coords-leeg": {
label: 'Coor title dms',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '\{\{Coor title dms\|',
peri: '',
post: '\}\}\n'
"Ro-coords-landmark": {
label: 'Coor title dms: landmark',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '\{\{Coor title dms\|',
peri: '',
post: '\|type:landmark\}\}\n'
"Ro-coords-city": {
label: 'Coor title dms: city',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '\{\{Coor title dms\|',
peri: '',
post: '\|type:city\}\}\n'
"Ro-coords-pluslandmark": {
label: '+type:landmark_',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: 'type:',
peri: 'landmark',
post: '_'
"Ro-coords-pluslandmark2": {
label: '+|type:landmark',
type: 'button',
icon: '//',
action: {
type: 'encapsulate',
options: {
pre: '\|type:',
peri: 'landmark',
post: ''